The first Monday this year is half over already. To the new year to celebrate once again there will be strong on our farm soon a Lantern Festival. With many new items and lots of new animals, as well as eight new tasks the new adventure starts next Tuesday the 21.01.2014. We have you ever gives a look “behind the scenes” and show you what to expect. Who wants to be well prepared for the tasks ahead, can already take a look here. But do not forget that the tasks are still unpublished and may change until the release date. If you like the coming issue, we would appreciate a LIKE from you
1077931 647462481967004 1385838532 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List 1493013 647456271967625 1408987615 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List 1533638 647462488633670 1788385957 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List
1558871 647462485300337 396707559 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List 1608613 647456525300933 1146997240 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List

1552992 647462495300336 1101863371 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List
The red envelopes can be redeemed for great prizes. A concept very well known by Zynga. At 100 red envelopes there is a Buckskin Mini Horse for free! Click on the graphic to enlarge it.
1608512 647462505300335 1854367236 n Farmville 2: The Lantern Festival and Task List 
task I Place lantern stand on your farm Harvest 10 Winter Melons Feed 2 adult goats task II Collect 5 Lantern Festival Candies Harvest 12 bulbs Point 2x Onion Soup ago task III Harvest 4 apple trees Take care 2x around a fountain Jaw 2x apple rolls task IV Collect 5x fireworks Harvest 12 Winter Melons Point 1x winter melon soup ago task V Take care of 2x to the rabbit hole 20 harvest blueberries Office 10 blue handkerchiefs ago task VI Take care of 2x to the chicken coop 20x harvest wheat Point 2 angel cake ago task VII Collect 5 Lantern umbrellas Take care of 2x to the fertilizer container Collect 20x wood task VIII Take care of 2x to the Pigsty Crop of 8 orange trees Point 3 clay pots decorated ago

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